Sunday, August 28, 2005

Installed original water inlet and inside handles

Installed the original water inlet, when I installed the water tank, I was concerned with it moving, so I blocked it to keep it in place, when I went to reinstall the water inlet, I had to cut out a spacer because it could not be mounted onto the side because of a large gap, I covered the spacer with a metal type duck tape, which I think ended up being better, because of this spacer, the top cap no longer comes off and when I open the top lid to add water there is a perfect space for the locking device to set, I also installed a interior handle which may be overkill being the original inside cab handles came with a handle, but we did not like the bare handle shaft, so these handles cover up the end of the shaft, and I think it also will not allow for someone to unscrew my handles and take them off, so I guess they will provide some security also.

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